Welcome and thank you for your interest in reflexology and restorative botanical facial treatments. I am a licensed Esthetician with training and certification in Anatomy & Physiology, and Reflexology. My career in the wellness and beauty world began in England in 1981, and I've worked as a massage therapist, esthetician, make up artist and a staff trainer in spas and wellness centers in England, Bermuda, Maryland and Washington DC.
In July 2021, I opened The Zone Reflexology in Takoma Park. A tranquil, safe space to receive relaxing, healing reflexology treatments.
As a Reflexologist, my vision and goal for every person I work with, is to help induce a state of deep relaxation which can lead to an enhanced feeling of well being. I take holistic approaches to every treatment, focusing on all of the nurturing, healing aspects of my work. Regular reflexology and facial treatments go a long way towards relieving stress. In my facial work, I believe in using plant based skin products; organically and sustainably sourced, which improve inflammatory skin conditions and are safe for everyone.
I'm so excited to step forward into the world of Reflexology, and to give soothing and restorative facial treatments.
Hope to see you in my treatment room soon.
Take care and be well,
Angela Latham
Reflexology is a complementary health practice, which helps to give the body the best opportunity to heal itself.